AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 131. Galactic Astronomy in the SDSS

Poster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

131.01 Dissecting the Milky Way with SDSS - III: The properties of interstellar dust
J.M. Meyer, Z. Ivezic (University of Washington), D.P. Finkbeiner (Princeton University), D.J. Schlegel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K.R. Covey, A. Seth (University of Washington), M. Juric, R.H. Lupton (Princeton University), C.M. Rockosi (Univeristy of California - Santa Cruz), G.R. Knapp, J.E. Gunn (Princeton University)
131.02 DQ White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
K. B. Halford, G.R. Knapp (Princeton), H.C. Harris (USNO), D.J. Schlegel (LBNL), P.B. Hall (York U.), J.E. Gunn, M.A. Strauss, R.H. Lupton (Princeton)
131.03 Estimation of Metallicity and Carbon Abundance for Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars Based on SDSS Spectroscopy
B.E. Marsteller, T.C. Beers, T. Sivarani (Michigan State University & JINA), S. Rossi (Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil), J. Knapp (Princeton), B. Plez (U. Montpellier, France), J. Johnson (Ohio State)
131.04 Estimation of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters from SDSS ugriz Photometry
Y. Lee, T. C. Beers (Michigan State & JINA), C. Bailer-Jones (MPIA), H. J. Newberg (RPI), M. Subbarao, D. Surendran (U. Chicago)
131.05 SEGUE Target Selection, Kinematics and Distribution of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Galactic Halo
G.K. Nevils (Sam Houston State University), H. N. Newberg (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), C. A. P. Allende Prieto (McDonald Observatory and the University of Texas at Austin), T. B. Beers (Michigan State University), Y. L. Lee, S. L. Thirupathi (Physics Frontier Center/Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics), R. W. Wilhelm (Texas Tech University), B. Y. Yanny (Fermilab)
131.06 A study of the Thick disk of the Galaxy in the direction of the South Galactic Pole in the framework of the Southern Proper Motion Program
G. Carraro, W.F. van Altena (Yale), C. Moni Bidin (Universidad de Chile), T. Girard (Yale), R. Mendez (Universidad de Chile), D. Dinescu, V. Korchagin (Yale)
131.07 Low Mass Template Spectra from SDSS
J.J. Bochanski, A.A. West, S.L. Hawley, K.R. Covey (U. of Washington)
131.08 Kinematics of Field Brown Dwarfs
G.R. Knapp (Princeton), X. Fan (Arizona), D.J. Schlegel (LBNL), D.P. Finkbeiner, N. Padmanabhan, M.A. Strauss, J.E. Gunn, R.H. Lupton (Princeton), Z. Ivezic (U.Washington)
131.09 An SDSS Survey of Galactic Planetary Nebulae: Target Selection and Preliminary Results
S. A. Snedden (Apache Point Observatory / New Mexico State U.), K. S. J. Anderson (New Mexico State U.), T. C. Beers (Michigan State U.), V. V. Dwarkadas (U. Chicago), S. J. Kleinman (Apache Point Observatory / New Mexico State U. / Subaru), A. Y. Kniazev (Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie), J. Krzesinski (Apache Point Observatory / New Mexico State U. / Cracow Pedagogical U.), A. Nitta (Apache Point Observatory / New Mexico State U. / Subaru)
131.10 Dynamics of Satellite Galaxies: Dealing with Interlopers
A. Diaz (Texas Tech University), R. Wilhelm (Texas Tech Univeristy)
131.11 The u'g'r'i'z' Southern Hemisphere Standard Star Network
J.A. Smith (LANL/Wyoming), S.S. Allam (Fermilab/Wyoming), D.L. Tucker (Fermilab), J.L. Stute, C.T. Rodgers (Wyoming), C. Stoughton (Fermilab), T.C. Beers (Michigan State/JINA), R.S. French (Miracosta College), P.M. McGehee (LANL)
131.12 Properties of the Warm Star Sample from SDSS-Data Release 4
R. Wilhelm (Texas Tech), T.C. Beers (Michigan State & JINA), C. Allende Prieto (UT), C. Rockosi (UCSC), B. Yanny (FNAL), H.J. Newberg (RPI), T. Sivarani, Y. Lee (Michigan State & JINA)
131.13 Calibration of the SDSS/SEGUE Spectroscopic Pipeline
T. Sivarani, T. C. Beers, Y. Lee (Michigan State & JINA), C. Rockosi, D. Lai (UCSC), B. Yanny, D. Tucker (FNAL), J.A. Smith (LANL), R. Wilhelm (Texas Tech), C. Allende (UT), J. Norris (ANU, Australia), H. Morrison (CWRU), B. Plez (Montpellier, France)

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