AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 140. Spitzer Studies of AGN

Poster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

140.01 Spitzer Observations of Centaurus A
M.H. Brookes (JPL), A.C. Quillen (University of Rochester), J. Keene (JPL), J.D. Smith (University of Arizona), M. Werner, C.R. Lawrence, D. Stern, V. Gorjian (JPL)
140.02 The Mid-IR/Optical Properties of Type 1 Quasars
G.T. Richards (JHU), M. Lacy, L.J. Storrie-Lombardi (SSC), X. Fan, C.J. Papovich (Arizona), P.B. Hall (York), S.C. Gallagher (UCLA), S.F. Anderson (UW), S. Jester (Southampton), D.E. Vanden Berk, D.P. Schneider (PSU), D.C. Hines (SSI)
140.03 The AGN `contamination' of Spitzer 24\micron surveys
P.I. Choi, G. Helou, M. Lacy, L. Yan (Spitzer Science Center, Caltech, Pasadena)
140.04 A Direct Comparison of the Infrared properties of Type-1 and Type-2 Quasars
S. E. Ridgway (JHU), M. D. Lacy (SSC, Caltech), G. Canalizo (UC Riverside), A. Sajina, L. Storrie-Lombardi, A. Petric, L. Armus (SSC, Caltech)
140.05 The mid-infrared SEDs of local AGN: Spitzer IRS spectra of a large sample of Seyfert galaxies.
C. L. Buchanan (RIT), J. F. Gallimore (Bucknell University), C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, D. J. Axon, A. Robinson (RIT), M. Elitzur (University of Kentucky), M. Elvis (CfA Harvard)
140.06 The Flaring Quasar 3C454.3: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations
A. E. Wehrle (MSC/Caltech), P. Ogle (SSC/Caltech)
140.07 Spitzer IRAC Photometry of the 12 \mum Sample of Seyfert Galaxies
J. C. Mannello, J. F. Gallimore (Bucknell University), C. Buchanan, C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, D. J. Axon, A. Robinson (R.I.T.), M. Elitzur (University of Kentucky), M. Elvis (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
140.08 Spitzer/IRS Observations of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies
R.P. Deo, D.M. Crenshaw (GSU), S.B. Kraemer (CUA)
140.09 Spitzer Low Resolution Spectra of Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
V. Gorjian, K. Cleary, N.H. DeMuth, M.W. Werner, C.R. Lawrence (JPL/Caltech)
140.10 Mid-infrared properties of Arp102B
H. Devore (Cape Fear High School, Fayetteville, NC), R.-R. Chary (Spitzer Science Center, Caltech, Pasadena, CA), L. Chapple (Traverse City East Junior High School, Traverse City, MI), H. Chun (Cranston High School, East Cranston, RI), K. Mills, B. Graves (Cape Fear High School, Fayetteville, NC), C. Kerr, B. Cordoza (Cranston High School, East Cranston, RI)
140.11 9.7 um Silicate Features in AGNs: the New Insight to Unification Models
Y. Shi, G. Rieke (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), D. Hines (Space Science Institue), V. Gorjian, M. Werner, K. Cleary (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology), F. Low, P. Smith (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), J. Bouwman (Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Germany Heidelberg, Germany)
140.12 An Archival Spitzer Study of local AGN: An Investigation into AGN Fueling
R. Dudik, S. Satyapal, B. O'Halloran (George Mason University), D. Watson (University of Rochester)

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