The Cyber Café, will run Monday through Thursday, opening at the beginning of the morning coffee break and closing after the evening poster sessions. In addition to computers, there will be about ten open lines for your laptops. There will be an open area with wireless connectivity. Please be advised that users need to bring their own wireless cards and review the connection process with their system administrators. In order to provide continuous network connectivity to all of our attendees and exhibitors, we will ask you to adhere to the following rules.
All attached devices will be required to be running the most up-to-date Virus Protection Software and Virus Definitions, IP Filtering, Anti-Ad and Anti-Spyware Software.
We recommend turning off automatic updates to your operating system, this will prevent bottlenecks in the network during the morning hours.
No device should be running as a server for offsite clients.
Absolutely no routers can be attached to the network without prior authorization from the AAS IT Staff.
The network will be monitored throughout the meeting and the AAS IT Staff reserves the right to disconnect any device that is causing overall network problems.