AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 65. Astronomy in the K-12 Classrooms

Poster, Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

65.01 Astronomy in the Delaware Public Schools Curriculum
H. Shipman (U. Delaware), K. Martin, J. Moyer (Del. Dept. of Education), J. Baldwin (Middletown Middle School), D. Bole (J.B. Moore Middle School), H. Bouchelle (Starwalk Planetarium, Colonial School District), S. Densler (Central Middle School), J. Gizis (U. Delaware), M. Matthes (Rehoboth Elementary School), B. Mills (Delmar Middle School), G. Stubbolo (Middletown Middle School), J. Sypher (Springer Middle School)
65.02 Waves in Motion
L. McGourty (MIT Haystack and NMRHS), K. Rideout (MIT haystack and Swampscott High School)
65.03 Classroom Experience with the Small Radio Telescope
W. Johnson (Nashua High South), P. Pratap (MIT Haystack Observatory)
65.04 Lessons Using Polars in the Science Classroom
H. T. Chun, L. Stefaniak, B. Thomas (Spitzer Teacher Observing Program)
65.05 Our Solar Connection: A themed Set of Activities for Grades 5-12
W.E. van der Veen (New Jersey Astronomy Center for Education), D.E. Gary (New Jersey Institute of Technology), A.C. Gallagher, J.M. Vinski (New Jersey Astronomy Center for Education)
65.06 Conveying a sense of cosmological time to the middle grades classroom
R. Gelderman, M.T. Carini, C.H. McGruder, J.L. Roberts, F.D. Siewers, R.T. Tyler, A.H. Wulff (Western Kentucky Univ)
65.07 The Impact of Science Graduate Students in Urban Science Classrooms: The SFOS Program at Cal State Los Angeles
S. Terebey, D. Mayo, J. Strauss (Cal State Los Angeles)

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