Session 102 - Pulsating Stars.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We present radial and low-degree nonradial pulsation frequencies for a grid of evolutionary \delta Scuti models including updated physics and OPAL (Iglesias amp; Roger 1992) opacities. These opacities significantly affect the evolutionary tracks, and therefore our interpretation of the mass and evolutionary state of \delta Scuti stars. We discuss frequency trends with changes in metallicity and convective core size. We suggest seismological model fits and mode identifications for the 19 probable frequencies reported for the \delta Scuti star FG Vir, and the 13 frequencies discovered for the less-evolved \delta Scuti star CD-24^\circ 7599. We discuss the uniqueness of our model fits, mode identifications, and the potential for asteroseismology of \delta Scuti stars. As more observations of \delta Scuti stars with dozens of modes become available, discrepancies between model frequency predictions and observations will provide clues to further refinements in model physics.