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Session 12 - Binary Stars.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,

[12.07] 10 Micron Search for Cool Companions of Nearby Stars

D. Van Buren, M. Brundage (IPAC), M. Ressler (JPL), S. Terebey (Extrasolar Research Corp.)

We present 10 micron broadband images of the nearby stars Gleise 15, 71, 628, 699, 725A, 725B, 729, and 820A from an experiment designed to detect cool companions. The observations establish upper limits for the presence of companion objects with separations between 2 and 10 arcseconds at or below the hydrogen burning limit for Gleise 15, 699, and 729. Results from an additional observing run in April 1998 will be presented.

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Program listing for Monday