DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 11. Mars Atmosphere IV

Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Monday, October 12, 1998, 3:20-4:10pm, Madison Ballroom C

11.01 Radiative Effects of CO2 in the Martian Polar Caps from MGS
G. B. Hansen (HIGP/SOEST, Univ. Hawaii)
11.02 Small scale trench in the Martian soil: conditions for condensation of atmospheric volatiles at the Mars Polar Lander site
W. J. Markiewicz (MPAE), K. J. Kossacki (MPAE,UW), K. J. Kossacki (UW), H. U. Keller (MPAE)
11.03 Greenhouse Gases and Gas-Water-Rock Interactions at the Surface of Early Mars
W. M. Murphy, D. S. Bass (Southwest Research Institute)
11.04 Deuterium Fractionation on Mars and Evolutionary Implications for Water
A. V. Pathare, D. A. Paige (UCLA)
11.05 The Biological Potential of Mars, the Early Earth, and Europa
B. M. Jakosky (Univ. of Colorado), E. L. Shock (Washington Univ. at St. Louis)

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