DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 29. Comets I

Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Wednesday, October 14, 1998, 2:00-3:20pm, Madison Ballroom C

29.01 Imaging Studies of Sodium Tails in Comets
M. Mendillo, J. K. Wilson, J. Baumgardner (Center for Space Physics, B.U.), G. Cremonese (Osservatorio Astronomico, Padova, Italy), C. Barbieri (Dipartimento di Astronomia, Padova)
29.02 Chemistry in the Dusty Coma of Comet Hale-Bopp
D. C. Boice (NAOJ), A. L. Cochran (UTA), M. A. DiSanti (GSFC), W. F. Huebner (SwRI)
29.03 Molecular Ion Abundance Ratios in Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp
S. Wyckoff, R. S. Heyd, R. Fox (Arizona State University)
29.04 The 830--1120 A Spectrum of a Bright Comet: First Results on Hale-Bopp
S. Alan Stern (SwRI/Boulder), Michel C. Festou (SwRI/Boulder), David C. Slater (SwRI/San Antonio), Joel Wm. Parker (SwRI/Boulder), Michael F. A'Hearn (U. Maryland)
29.05 Comet Hale-Bopp: A Combined Ground and Space Based Study from 0.5 - 160 Microns.
D.J. Osip (MIT), R.G. Walker, D. Lien (Vanguard Research Inc.), S.M. Lederer (University of Florida), E. Gruen, S.B. Peschke (MPIK)
29.06 Quantitative Analysis of Gas and Dust Jets in Comet Hale-Bopp
S. Lederer (U. Florida), H. Campins (Res. Corp.), D.J. Osip (MIT), D.G. Schleicher (Lowell Obs.)
29.07 Nucleus Properties of Comet Hale--Bopp (1995 O1) Based on Narrowband Imaging
D.G. Schleicher, T.L. Farnham (Lowell Obs.), B. R. Smith (N. Ariz. U.), E. A. Blount (Beloit College), E. Nielsen (MIT), S.M. Lederer (U. Florida)
29.08 First Maps of Comet Hale-Bopp at 60 and 175\mu m
S.B. Peschke (MPI f\"ur Kernphysik), M. Stickel (MPI f\"ur Astronomie), I. Heinrichsen (IPAC), H. B\"ohnhardt (ESO), C. M. Lisse (University of Maryland), E. Gr\"un (MPI f\"ur Kernphysik), D. J. Osip (MIT)

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