DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 43. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Contriubted Oral Parallel Session, Thursday, October 15, 1998, 2:10-3:30pm, Madison Ballroom D

43.01 An Observation of Saturn's Aurora with HST/STIS
John Trauger (JPL), John T. Clarke, G. E. Ballester (U. Michigan), Karl Stapelfeldt, Robin Evans (JPL), WFPC2 Science Team
43.02 Hydrocarbons Distribution in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere
L. Ben-Jaffel (IAP-CNRS), D. Feng (Univ. Arizona), F. Herbert (LPL-Tucson), B. Hermann (Univ. Arizona)
43.03 New Observations of Zonal Winds on Uranus
H. B. Hammel (MIT), K. A. Rages (SPRI, NASA Ames), G. W. Lockwood (Lowell)
43.04 Bright Discrete and Zonal Features on Uranus
E. Karkoschka, M. G. Tomasko (U. Arizona)
43.05 Changes in Uranus' Atmosphere Since the Voyager Encounter
K. Rages (SPRI/Ames), H. B. Hammel (MIT), G. W. Lockwood (Lowell Obs.)
43.06 On Uranus' H2 and H3+ Emissions
L. M. Trafton (U. Texas), S. Miller (UCL), T. R. Geballe (JAC), G. E. Ballester (U. Mich.), J. Tennyson (UCL)
43.07 HST STIS Images of the H-Lyman Alpha Emission and Disk-Reflected FUV Sunlight from the Upper Atmosphere of Uranus
G. E. Ballester (U. Mich.), L. Ben-Jaffel (IAP, Paris), J. T. Clarke (U. Mich.), R. Gladstone (SWRI), S. Miller (UCL, London), L. M. Trafton (U. Texas, Austin), J.T. Trauger (JPL)
43.08 HST and IRTF Observations of Neptune during 1998
L. A. Sromovsky, P. M. Fry, S. S. Limaye (Univ. of Wisconsin), K. H. Baines (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), T. Dowling (Univ. of Louisville)

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