DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 46. Laboratory Research for Planetary Atmospheres

Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Thursday, October 15, 1998, 4:30-5:00pm, Madison Ballroom D

46.01 Low-Temperature Vapor Pressures of Selected C1, C2, and C3 Hydrocarbons
J. E. Allen, Jr. (NASA GSFC), R. N. Nelson (GASoU/NASA GSFC)
46.02 Aromatic Ring Forming Reactions of Cyanoacetylene and Diacetylene. Applications to Titan's Atmosphere
C. Ramos, T.S. Zwier (Purdue University)
46.03 Preliminary Results of Laboratory Measurements of the Centimeter Wavelength Properties of Phosphine under Simulated Conditions for the Outer Planets
J.P. Hoffman, P.G. Steffes, D.R. DeBoer (Georgia Inst. of Tech.)

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