DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 48. Venus

Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Friday, October 16, 1998, 9:00-9:40am, Madison Ballroom C

48.01 Climate Change on Venus
M.A. Bullock, D.H. Grinspoon (LASP, University of Colorado)
48.02 Structure of the Mesosphere of Venus from the reanalized Venera 15 IR-spectrometry data
L.V. Zasova, V.I. Moroz, N.I. Ignatiev, I.V. Khatountsev (IKI RAS)
48.03 Molecular Oxygen in the Venus Middle Atmosphere
F. P. Mills (Caltech), D. Crisp (JPL), M. A. Allen (Caltech, JPL), Y. L. Yung (Caltech)
48.04 Whole-disk Microwave Brightness Temperature Spectrum of Venus
B.J. Butler (NRAO), J.M. Jenkins (SETI Institute), P.G. Steffes (Georgia Institute of Technology)

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