AAS Meeting #193 - Austin, Texas, January 1999
Session 65. Interstellar Dust and Gas
Display, Friday, January 8, 1999, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall 1

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[65.08] Ultra High Resolution Spectroscopy of K I and Ca II in B5

B-G Andersson (JHU), P.G. Wannier (JPL), D.L. Lambert (UT Austin)

We present ultrahigh resolution spectroscopic observations of K I (R=350,000) and Ca II (R=130,000) towards stars in the molecular cloud B5. Even though this is a kinematically simple sightline, intersecting only one molecular cloud, the lineshapes are still complex. Further, the relative velocity structure between tracers, such as mm-wave CO, 21cm HI and optical absorption lines show significant offsets. We show decompositions of the optical lines and discuss the variation in the column density ratios K I/Ca II for the resolved velocity components.

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