AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 33. HAD III: Gender, Observatories, Planetariums
Historical, Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 2:00-3:30pm, Continental Ballroom C

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[33.06] Radio Astronomy's Debut at the American Astronomical Society

R.A. Jarrell (York University)

The field of radio astronomy emerged in North America, on a very small scale, late in 1945. The first meeting of the AAS with a paper on the subject was in 1947 (by a Canadian team). Interest increased in 1948 and peaked the following year at the Ottawa meeting, where delegates visited two radio installations. Interest then waned until the mid-1950s. Only in 1956, when plans for the National Radio Astronomical Observatory were crystallizing, did the subject become standard fare at AAS meetings. This low level of participation may be explained by the fact that most radio astronomers of the period were not astronomers by training.

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