AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 59. Active Region Formation and Evolution
Solar, Oral, Tuesday, June 1, 1999, 2:30-4:00pm, Continental Ballroom C

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[59.01] Imaging of Emerging Magnetic Flux by Time-Distance Helioseismology

A.G. Kosovichev (Stanford), T.L. Duvall Jr. (GSFC), P.H. Scherrer (Stanford)

We have used measurements of acoustic travel time in the convection zone to infer local perturbations of the sound speed and 3D flow velocities associated with emerging active regions in July 1996 and January 1998. Both regions were observed with the MDI instrument on SOHO before and after emergence continuously for 9 days. The first active region emerged in a long-lived complex of activity and produced a strong X-class flare. The second active region was a high-latitude region of the new solar cycle. The time-distance inversion results show complicated dynamics of the magnetic flux in the convection zone, and indicate that the emerging flux travels faster in the convection zone than predicted by theory. We discuss the differences in the dynamics of these active regions.

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