AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
Session 24. SNRs and the Energetics of ISM
Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 10:00-11:30am, Waldorf

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[24.05] The High-Energy RXTE X-Ray Spectrum of the recently-discovered remnant RX J0852.0-4622

G.E. Allen (USRA, NASA/GSFC), C.B. Markwardt (NRC, NASA/GSFC), R. Petre (NASA/GSFC)

A new shell-type supernova remnant, RX~J0852.0-4622, was recently discovered in the direction of the Vela remnant. While the Vela remnant dominates the low-energy (ROSAT) X-ray image of this region, the ring of RX~J0852.0-4622 is clearly observable at energies > 1.3~keV. This new remnant and the Cas A remnant are the only two sources that have been detected to emit 1.156~MeV gamma rays from the decay of 44Ti. The presence of 44Ti, which has a half-life of ~90~yr, and the strength of the 44Ti-line flux indicate that RX~J0852.0-4622 is both young (~ 600--1100~yr) and close to Earth (~100--300~pc). Except for the Local Bubble, this remnant may be the closest of the known supernova remnants. A series of scans with the instruments on the RXTE satellite indicate that both the RX~J0852.0-4622 and Vela remnants are sources of high-energy X-ray emission. We present the count-rate scan profile and a 3--12~keV RXTE spectrum, which includes emission from both remnants. Although it is difficult to distinguish the RXTE X-ray spectrum of one remnant from the other, spectral models suggest that RX~J0852.0-4622 exhibits no evidence of Fe-K--line emission. We discuss whether the high-energy X-ray continuum of this remnant is thermal or non-thermal and review the implications of the results.

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