AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
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All findings are embargoed until time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 55. Active Region Formation and Evolution

Solar, Display, Tuesday, June 1, 1999, 10:00am-7:00pm, Southeast Exhibit Hall

55.01 Near Surface Magneto-Convection
D.J. Bercik, R.F. Stein (Michigan State University), A. Nordlund (Theoretical Astrophysics Center, Denmark)
55.02 Cylindrical Compressible Magnetoconvection and Model Sunspots
N. Hurlburt, D Alexander (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), A. Rucklidge (Cambridge University)
55.03 The role of the large-scale corona in the production of solar flares
D. Alexander (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab.), G. M. Simnett (University of Birmingham)
55.04 Interconnecting Active Regions - Where, When, Why?
A. Pevtsov (Montana State U.)
55.05 Statistical Properties of Magnetic Separators in Model Active Regions
B.T. Welsch, D.W. Longcope (MSU-Bozeman)
55.06 Anomalous Diffusion of Solar Magnetic Elements
A.C. Cadavid, J.K. Lawrence (California State University, Northridge), A.A. Ruzmaikin (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
55.07 Understanding Small Solar Magnetic Elements: Comparing Models and Observations
K. D. Leka (Colorado Research Associates/NWRA), O. Steiner, U. Grossmann-Doerth (Kiepenheuer-Institut fur Sonnenphysik)
55.08 Topologically Equivalent Magnetostatic Atmospheres and Numerical MHD Simulations of Buoyancy Instabilities
W. Manchester, B.C. Low (HAO/NCA and U. Illinois)

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