31st Annual Meeting of the DPS, October 1999
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 50. Labratory Results Posters

Poster Group II, Thursday-Friday, October 14, 1999, Kursaal Center

50.01 High resolution UV absorption cross section measurements for N2 and SO2
Peter L. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA and CURSOAR), G. Stark (Wellesley College), J. Rufus (Imperial College)
50.02 Experimental Study and Modelling of the temperature variations of the Mid-UV Acetylene Absorption Coefficient
A. Jolly, Y. Benilan, F. Raulin (LISA, Univ. Paris 12, France)
50.03 Low-Temperature Rates for the Relaxation of Methane by Helium
B.P. Michael (NASA-NRC/GSFC), J.E. Allen Jr. (NASA/GSFC)
50.04 Density Shifts of Spectral Lines Using a Frequency Modulated Diode Laser
M.E. Mickelson, B.P. Leslie, E.L. Hogue (Denison Univ.)
50.05 Experimental Determination of Scattering Matrices of Olivine
O. Munoz (Dep. of Astron., Free University, Amsterdam and Inst. Astrof. Andalucia, CSIC, Spain.), H. Volten, K. Vermeulen, J.F. De Haan, W. Vassen, J.W. Hovenier (Dep. of Astron., Free University, Amsterdam.)
50.06 Reflectance Spectra of Regolith Analogs in the middle-IR: Influence of Grain Size
A. Le Bras (Observatoire de Paris, Paris)
50.07 The Asiago Observatory's reflectogoniometer
S. Fornasier (Dip. di Astronomia, Univ. di Padova), C. Pernechele (Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova), C. Barbieri (Dip. di Astronomia, Univ. di Padova)
50.08 Laboratory IR Detection of H2O2 in Ion Irradiated Ice Relevant to Europa
M. H. Moore (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), R. L. Hudson (Eckerd College)

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