AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 119. The SIRTF Legacy Science Program
Oral, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 10:00-11:30am, Regency VII

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[119.02] The SIRTF First-Look Survey

D.L. Shupe (SSC/IPAC, Caltech), SSC Team

The First-Look Survey (FLS) is an early-mission survey by SIRTF to explore the sky at wavelengths and sensitivities intermediate between our current knowledge and what is ultimately possible with SIRTF. Shortly after the observatory is commissioned, approximately one hundred hours of observing time will be dedicated to imaging at wavelengths spanning 3.5 microns to 160 microns. The time will be split between surveying extragalactic fields and observing selected areas near the Galactic and ecliptic planes, chosen based on the results of the FLS Community Workshop held in September 1999. The resulting data products will be made publicly available soon after the FLS observations are completed, to help Guest Observers plan their programs.

This paper will describe the layout of the survey, and detail the data that are expected to be returned. As the value of the FLS products should be significantly enhanced by observations at other wavelengths, we will also outline plans for obtaining and releasing these ancillary data.

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