AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 2. Young Objects and Disks
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[2.14] The amazing high resolution ultraviolet spectrum of DF Tauri

J.L. Linsky (JILA/Univ. Colorado & NIST), J. Valenti (NOAO), C.M. Johns-Krull (SSL/Unib. Calif. Berkeley)

DF Tau (HD 283654, M0V) is a classical T Tauri star (CTTS), with strong utraviolet emission lines that provide fascinating clues about flows near an actively forming star. On 1999 September 18, we observed DF Tau with HST/STIS, using the medium resolution echelle modes (E140M and E230M). The spectrum includes many emission lines from both low temperature plasma (e.g. O I, Fe II, H2) and high temperature plasma (e.g. He II, C IV, Si IV?). The combination of good resolution and complete FUV wavelength coverage makes it possible to explore the physical conditions giving rise to the observed fluorescence. The high temperature lines show strikingly sharp absorption edges in the blue wing, likely due to a wind with temperatures up to at least 105 K. The 2300--2900 Å\ region contains many Fe II lines with P-Cygni shaped profiles, which constrain lower temperature regions of the outflow. We will report on the line of sight flows seen in both the low and high temperature lines and relate these flows to models of CTTS.\\

This work is supported by a NASA grant to the University of Colorado.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: jlinsky@jila.colorado.edu

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