AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 2. Young Objects and Disks
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[2.13] X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Weak-lined T Tauri Star V410 Tauri

S.L. Skinner (JILA, Univ. of Colorado)

Extensive optical studies of the rapidly-rotating (P=1.87 d) weak-lined TTS V410 Tau have revealed large photospheric spots indicative of strong magnetic surface activity. HST observations have also provided evidence that V410 Tau is a binary, suggesting that it may be a young analog of the active RS CVn-type systems. I present new results on the X-ray properties of V410 Tau and other young stars in its vicinity based on a 37 ksec pointed ASCA observation. These results extend our knowledge of the coronal properties of young pre-main-sequence binaries and provide an important benchmark for studies of the time-evolution of coronal properties of young solar-like stars as they evolve toward the main sequence. The ASCA spectra of V410 Tau reveal a strong contribution from hot coronal plasma at a characteristic temperature near 20 MK, and the X-ray light curves display clear variability in the form of a short-duration flare. The ASCA observation also provides new data for two other nearby wTTS (V819 Tau and Hubble 4) as well as an apparent X-ray detection of the Herbig Ae star V892 Tau (= Elias 1).

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