AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 77. Stellar Masses
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[77.01] Fundamental Parameters of the O-Type, Eclipsing Binary, HD~135240

L. R. Penny, D. Seyle (College of Charleston), D. R. Gies, W. G. Bagnuolo, Jr. (Georgia State University, CHARA)

Feast, Thackeray, & Wesselink (1957) first identified HD~135240 as a radial velocity variable. The spectroscopic orbit was first published Thackeray & Emerson (1969) and Stickland et al. (1993) published the first double-lined solution from IUE data. Both Thackeray & Emerson and Stickland et al. note the unpublished photometric observations by Cousins that show two shallow minima. However, the first available light curve for this system was produced by HIPPARCOS. The system shows roughly equal minima. The shapes of the eclipses and tidally-related ellipsoidal variation in the observed light curve are key clues to the stellar radii and orbital inclination, and we present both our preliminary light curve solution and our double-lined orbit (based on IUE observations). We also present our determinations of individual spectral classifications (from the IUE spectra) and projected rotational velocities. We compare the final masses to those obtained from theoretical evolutionary tracks.

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