AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 77. Stellar Masses
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[77.02] Photometric Observations of O-Type Binary Systems with the Four College Automated Photometric Telescope

P. M. Garton, L. R. Penny (College of Charleston)

The fundamental parameters of O-type stars are important tests of the theoretical predictions of massive stars. The most direct observational means of determining these parameters is through the study of binaries. In order for the mass of the component stars in a double-lined spectroscopic binary to be determined, some estimate of the inclination must be found. This emphasizes the importance of double-lined systems that also show light variations due to their orbital inclination (eclipses, ellipsoidal variations). We have recently embarked upon a project to photometrically observe well-known O-type binaries using the Four College Automated Photometric Telescope (FCAPT). The relatively recent discoveries of eclipses (and ellipsoidal variations) of two such systems (HD~152248:Mayer, Lorentz, & Drechsel 1992 and HD~135240:Penny, Seyle, Gies & Bagnuolo 2000) has spurred these observations. We present our initial target list and some preliminary observations and analysis.

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