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N. Kawai (RIKEN), M. Namiki (RIKEN and Science University of Tokyo), SS 433 Collaboration
A long-look observation of SS 433 by ASCA was performed in March-April 2000 covering most of its whole orbital phases. One of the major motivations of this observation is the search for evidence of supercritical accretion, which often has been proposed to be the source of the jet production in this system. We map the distribution of thick absorbing matter in the binary system, and study the mass loss associated with the supercritical accretion flow. In fact we found that the X-ray flux was more variable in the soft band below 2 keV, implying inhomogeneous distribution of absorber within the binary system. In addition, the eclipse profile was wide and shallow in the soft band. It can be explained either by the excess absorption around the companion star, or spatialy extended soft emission source around the compact object.