HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 25. X-Ray Binaries - Spectroscopy
Display, Wednesday, November 8, 2000,
8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom
- 25.01 The Ephemeris and Spectral Dipping Behavior of X1624-490
- A.P. Smale (USRA, NASA/GSFC), M.J. Church, M. Balucinska-Church (U. Birmingham, UK)
- 25.02 he X-Ray Photo-ionized Wind in Cen X-3/V779 Cen
- P. Wojdowski, D. Liedahl (Physics Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M. Sako, F. Paerels, S. Kahn (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory)
- 25.03 P Cygni Features in the Chandra HETGS Spectrum of Cygnus X-3
- D.A. Liedahl (LLNL), M. Sako, F. Paerels (Columbia), M.L. McCollough (USRA), R.F. Elsner (NASA/MSFC), N.S. Schulz (MIT), D.H. Cohen (Swarthmore)
- 25.04 Hard Power-law Components in the Spectra of Z Sources
- T. Di Salvo, N. R. Robba, R. Iaria (Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche di Palermo), L. Stella, L. Burderi (Osservatorio Astronomico di Monteporzio - Roma)
- 25.05 High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Accretion Disk Corona source 4U 1822-37
- J. Cottam, S.M. Kahn (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory), D. Liedahl (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory), F.B. Paerels, M. Sako (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory)
- 25.06 Optical/X--ray Observations of the Hard X--ray Source 4U1954+319
- M. Orlandini, N. Masetti, E. Palazzi, D. Dal Fiume (TeSRE/CNR), S. Del Sordo, A. Santangelo (IFCAI/CNR), A.N. Parmar (ESA/SSD)
- 25.07 Hybrid Thermal/Non-Thermal Model Fits to the X-Ray Spectra of GRS 1915+105
- T.J. Maccarone, P.S. Coppi (Department of Astronomy, Yale University), R. Taam (Department of Physics, Northwestern University)
- 25.08 The X-ray Properties of R Aquarii
- E. M. Kellogg (SAO), J. M. Hollis, J. A. Pedelty, R. G. Lyon (GSFC)
- 25.09 Observations of GX Sources with the Chandra HETG and RXTE
- A. M. Levine, D. Hou, S. A. Rappaport, N. Schulz (CSR MIT), P. Predehl (MPE)
- 25.10 Detection of a Hard Power-law Component in the Spectrum of GX 349+2
- N. R. Robba, T. Di Salvo (Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche di Palermo), L. Burderi (Osservatorio Astronomico di Monteporzio - Roma), R. Iaria, A. La Barbera (Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche di Palermo)
- 25.11 A Hard Tail in Broad Band Spectrum of Cir X-1: a clue for a Z-source behavior
- R. Iaria, T. Di Salvo, A. La Barbera (DSFA-University of Palermo), L. Burderi (Osservatorio di Roma), N. R. Robba (DSFA-University of Palermo)
- 25.12 HEXTE Studies of Hard X-Ray Tails in Sco X-1
- F. D'Amico (CASS/UCSD and INPE/Brazil), W. Heindl, R. E. Rothschild, D. Gruber (CASS/UCSD)
- 25.13 High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of 4U1735-44
- S.D. Vrtilek, J.E. McClintock, J.C. Raymond (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 25.14 Long-look observation of SS 433 by ASCA
- N. Kawai (RIKEN), M. Namiki (RIKEN and Science University of Tokyo), SS 433 Collaboration
- 25.15 Time-resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Sco X-1
- D. W. Hoard, S. Wachter (CTIO)
- 25.16 The Dust-Scattered Halo of OAO 1657-415 observed with ASCA
- M. D. Audley, F. Nagase, K. Mitsuda (ISAS), L. Angelini (USRA / GSFC), R. L. Kelley (NASA / GSFC)
- 25.17 Simultaneous RXTE and Chandra HETGS Observations of Serpens X-1
- C. Markwardt (U. Maryland & NASA/GSFC), J. Swank, T. Strohmayer, T. Kallman (NASA/GSFC)
- 25.18 Chandra/ACIS-S Spectrum of Cen X-4, In Quiescence
- R. Rutledge (Caltech), L. Bildsten (ITP/UCSB), E. Brown (UChicago), G. Pavlov (PSU), V. Zavlin (MPE)
- 25.19 Iron photoionization experiments to benchmark models for the spectra of accretion-powered sources
- R.F. Heeter, J. Emig, M.E. Foord, D.A. Liedahl, P.T. Springer, R.S. Thoe (Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab), J.E. Bailey, M.E. Cuneo (Sandia Nat'l Lab)
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