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J. E. Pesce (Eureka), R. M. Sambruna (George Mason University), C. M. Urry (Space Telescope Science Institute), R. Scarpa (European Southern Observatory)
We present the results from a short (10 ks) Chandra GO1 observation of the nearby (z=0.051) radio source 3C371. The source is known to exhibit a 4.5arcsec-long radio synchrotron jet which was detected at optical wavelengths with ground-based observations and in our HST data. The jet is clearly detected in our Chandra exposure (which was optimized for different scientific purposes), with a total of 300 counts in 0.2-8 keV. X-ray emission is detected from the two brightest optical knots at 4.5 and 1.7arcsec from the core, as well as diffuse inter-knot flux. In this poster, we will discuss the multiwavelength structure of the jet comparing the Chandra data to the HST and radio observations. We will construct the radio-to-X-ray spectral energy distributions of individual knots and discuss the origin of the X-ray emission from the jet in light of current models. The authors would like to acknowledge support from NASA Grants NAG5-4801 (JEP) and NAG5-7925 (RMS).