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D. J. Christian (Eureka Scientific), S. Vennes (Maths Dept., Australian National University)
We observed the asynchronous polar EUVE J2115-58.6 (= RX J2115.7-5840) with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) between 2000 June 23 15:14 and June 26 08:15 UT. The Deep Survey (DS) Lexan filter (~100 Ang) count rate was 8.0±0.5 cts/ksec and similar to our 1997 October 04 EUVE observations, but ~14 times lower the 1995 July 05 EUVE 1 kilo-second snapshot observation. The EUVE light curve favors a period of 109.8 minutes, similar to the photometric period of Schwope et al. 1997, and suggesting the EUVE data is sampling the white dwarf spin period via the accretion hotspot. We will present EUVE phased light curves and timing studies, and compare these observations to the source's optical properties (6.3 day spin-orbit beat period; Ramsay et al. 1999), and current understanding of the system. This research is supported by EUVE Guest Observer grant 98-EUVE018.