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S. Del Sordo (IFCAI - CNR), M. Orlandini (TESRE - CNR), A. Parmar (SSD - ESTEC), A. Santangelo, A. Segreto (IFCAI - CNR), D. Dal Fiume (TESRE - CNR)
Vela X-1 was pointed by BeppoSAX satellite during the Science Verification Phase (SVP) and in the framework of Observational Programs. The lightcurves of these observations are quite complex and includes dips and eclipses. We performed detailed phase-resolved spectral analysis in the 0.2 - 10 keV energy band. Spectral parameters as iron line energy, width and low energy absorption show clear dependence on the pulse-phase. Pulse profile structure is strongly dependent on the energy and becomes complex in the low energy part of the spectrum.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: delsordo@ifcai.pa.cnr.it