HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 21. Galaxies/Deep Surveys
Oral, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 8:00-9:40am, Pago Pago Ballroom

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[21.04] Deep XMM-Newton survey of M33

W. Pietsch, F. Haberl (MPE Garching), M. Ehle (ESA/SOC Vilspa), G. Trinchieri (OA Brera), A. Vogler (SAp Saclay)

In a re-analysis of all ROSAT PSPC and HRI observations on M33 we obtained a catalogue of 184 discrete X-ray sources within 50' of the nucleus of the galaxy. Based on timing analysis and hardness ratio arguments we characterized them as likely supersoft X-ray sources, X-ray binaries, or supernova remnants in M33, or as foreground or background objects. In addition, we mapped the diffuse X-ray emission in M33 mainly concentrated in the inner few arcminutes and the southern disturbed inner disk. We will compare this preparatory work with XMM results from 5 first epoch observations (10 ksec each taken in August 2000) of a deep survey of M33 (150 ksec in total). The survey will allow us to characterize the sources using spectra and time variability to built up a unprecedented census of X-ray sources in M33 down to a luminosity limit of ~1035 erg/s. Of specific interest are the active source in the nuclear area (a low luminosity AGN or black hole X-ray binary) with Lx ~1039 erg/s and the diffuse emission in the inner disk.

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