HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 21. Galaxies/Deep Surveys
Oral, Wednesday, November 8, 2000,
8:00-9:40am, Pago Pago Ballroom
- 21.01 I30 Chandra observations of elliptical galaxies: x-ray binaries, cooling flows and central black holes
- R. Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), L. Angelini (USRA), K.A. Arnaud, M. Loewenstein (Univ of Maryland)
- 21.02 I30 Hot Gas, Dark Matter and Heavy Elements in Galaxies
- W. Forman (CFA)
- 21.03 Resolving the Mystery of X-ray Faint Elliptical Galaxies: Chandra X-ray Observations of NGC~4697
- C. L. Sarazin (UVa), J. A. Irwin, J. N. Bregman (UM)
- 21.04 Deep XMM-Newton survey of M33
- W. Pietsch, F. Haberl (MPE Garching), M. Ehle (ESA/SOC Vilspa), G. Trinchieri (OA Brera), A. Vogler (SAp Saclay)
- 21.05 The Chandra Multi-wavelength Project (ChaMP): a serendipitous X-ray Survey using Chandra Archival Data
- B. Wilkes, P. Green, R. Cameron, N. Evans, H. Ghosh, D.W. Kim, H. Tananbaum (SAO), ChaMP Collaboration
- 21.06 The nature of the sources of the X-ray and infrared backgrounds
- A. Comastri (Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna), F. Fiore (Osservatorio Astronomico Roma), C. Vignali (Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna), F. La Franca (Dipartimento di Fisica, Univ. Roma Tre), M. Brusa (Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna)
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