HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 20. New Missions

Workshop, Tuesday, November 7, 2000, 7:30-9:15pm, Pago Pago Ballroom

This Workshop will compete with the excitement of election eve. (surely results will then be known, Hawaii time!) to present the even more stimulating prospects for new missions that will help define high energy astrophysics over the coming decade. The missions discussed here are ones in development or that have either been recommended in the Decadal Review, the NASA Strategic Plan (and its input reports), or have been discussed at large within the community. Time did not permit all mission concepts to be presented, and several are included in the Missions and Instruments session (47) or in the Workshop Poster session. GLAST is discussed in its own workshop (Thurs. eve.).
20.01 I15 INTEGRAL: the INTERnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysical Laboratory
P. Ubertini (IAS-CNR), INTEGRAL Team
20.02 I15 Swift - A Panchromatic GRB MIDEX Mission
N. Gehrels (NASA GSFC), Swift Science Team
20.03 I15 Science with the Constellation X-ray Mission
K.A. Weaver, N.E. White (NASA/GSFC), H. Tananbaum (SAO)
20.04 I15 Proposed to EXIST: Deep Hard X-ray Imaging All Sky Survey
J. Grindlay (CfA), EXIST Science Working Group
20.05 I15 Maxim: X-ray Imaging Beyond the Diffraction Limit
W. Cash (University of Colorado), N. White (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), Marshall Joy (NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center)
20.06 I15 Silicon Advanced Compton Telescope
J.D. Kurfess, W.N. Johnson, R.A. Kroeger (NRL), B.F. Phlips (GMU)
20.07 I15 Considerations for a Next Generation GRB Observatory
G.J. Fishman (NASA-MSFC)

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