HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 2. Active Galaxies
Display, Monday, November 6, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[2.20] Chandra Detection of X-ray Absorption Associated with a Damped Ly-alpha Absorption System

J. Bechtold (University of Arizona), A. Siemiginowska (CXC, CFA), M. Elvis (CXC, CFA), T. L. Aldcroft (CXC, CFA), A. Dobrzycki (CXC, CFA)

We have observed three quasars, PKS 1127-143, Q 1331+171 and Q 0054+144, with ACIS aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory, in order to measure soft X-ray absorption associated with intervening 21-cm and damped Ly-alpha absorbers. For PKS 1127-143, we detect absorption which, if associated with the intervening z(abs)=0.312 absorber, implies a metallicity of 1/5 solar. The advantage of the X-ray measurement is that the derived metallicity is insensitive to ionization, inclusion of an atom in a molecule, or depletion onto dust grains. The X-ray absorption is mostly due to oxygen, and agrees with the oxygen abundance of 16-40 percent solar derived from nebular emission lines in a foreground galaxy at the redshift of the absorber. The observations of the other two absorbers will also be presented.

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