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C.J. Miller, R.C. Nichol (CMU), J. Annis (FNAL), E.S. Sheldon, T.A. McKay (Univ. of Michigan), W. Voges (MPE), A.L. Melott (Univ. of Kansas)
I will discuss the cosmological interpretations of the future Sloan-ROSAT Cluster Survey; a new large area sample of X-ray/Optical clusters selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and archival ROSAT data. These new data will provide a unique sample for studying the evolution of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity Function (XCLF) since it will (a) probe both high and low redshift clusters in one catalog, (b) have a well-defined selection function, (c) contain physically meaningful cluster parameters, and (d) possess thousands of clusters covering a wide range of masses. I will present here, preliminary results on the XCLF as well as a first look at superclustering as a function of redshift and color. I will also discuss optical and X-ray correlations among galaxy clusters. I will discuss how these and future measurements will provide robust tests of both the underlying cosmological model as well as placing constraints on cosmological parameters such as \Omegam, \sigma8 and n.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: chrism@fire.phys.cmu.edu