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R. A. Osten, A. Brown, T. R. Ayres (CASA, University of Colorado), A. Krishnamurthi, J. L. Linsky (JILA, University of Colorado)
We report on coordinated observations of the short-period active binary \sigma2 CrB (F6V + G0V, P\rm orb=1.14 d) taken with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer, and the Very Large Array. EUVE observations span more than 7 orbital periods of the system. Centered in the middle of the nine day EUVE observation is a Chandra ACIS-S+HETGS grating observation lasting 85 ks and an overlapping 12 hour multifrequency VLA observation. We discuss the coronal variability, present high-resolution X-ray spectra and preliminary analysis including the search for flares, and tie the thermal high temperature emission together with nonthermal coronal emission.
RAO acknowledges funding from a NASA GSRP fellowship, grant NGT5-50241. AB and TRA acknowledge funding from NASA grant NAG5-3226, and JLL acknowledges support from NASA through grants S-56500-D and H-04630D.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: raosten@casa.colorado.edu