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J. Swank (GSFC)
GRS 1915+105 is a galactic source known for its superluminal jet ejections. There have been recurrent radio flares in which the radio jets have been resolved. There have also been many observations of infrared and radio flux oscillations with the same time scale as cyclic X-ray variations. Simultaneous observations have been possible and approximately identify the point in the X-ray cycle where a radio ejection starts. These results have led to a picture in which at high luminosity, an instability in the accretion disk leads to ejection of gas into the jets. RXTE has discovered ten other X-ray novae or recurrences of known transient black hole candidates, in which previously unkown radio counterparts were observed near the beginning of the outbursts. XTE J1748-288, CI Cam, V4641 Sgr, XTE J1819-254 4U 1630-472, GRS 1739-278, XTE 2012+38, XTE J1806-246, XTE J1550-564, and XTE J1118+480. Of these, the first four showed evidence for resolved jet motion. Some of these transients are typical fast rise and slow decay novae with changes of X-ray state, as indicated by the X-ray spectra and the presence of quasiperiodic oscillations and timing noise. In the sources with jets, the ejection events are connected to the initial appearance and to some changes in state. I will briefly review the X-ray results on the nature of the accretion through the disk and corona and its connection to the jet production.
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