HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 39. The Future of X-Ray Timing
Invited Workshop, Thursday, November 9, 2000,
7:30-10:00pm, Pago Pago Ballroom
- 39.01 I10 The Future of X-Ray Timing
- P. Kaaret (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 39.02 I10 Challenges for X-ray Timing / Spectral Investigations of Black Hole Binaries in Outburst
- R. A. Remillard (M.I.T.)
- 39.03 I10 X-ray Transients Associated with Radio Jet Production
- J. Swank (GSFC)
- 39.04 I10 Future requirements for X-ray monitoring of AGN
- K. Nandra (Universities Space Research Association)
- 39.05 I10 Kilohertz Oscillations as a Probe of Strong Gravity and Dense Matter
- M. van der Klis (Astronomical Institute ``Anton Pannekoek", University of Amsterdam)
- 39.06 I10 Strong Gravity and Neutron Star X-ray Binaries
- M. C. Miller (University of Maryland)
- 39.07 I10 Burst Oscillations as Probes of Neutron Stars: What can we Learn from Future Timing Missions?
- T. E. Strohmayer (NASA/GSFC)
- 39.08 I10 Gravity Wave Astrophysics and Connections with X-ray Timing
- L. Bildsten (UCSB)
- 39.09 I10 The Unique Power and Promise of X-ray Timing
- F. K. Lamb (UIUC)
- 39.10 I10 Potential of Si PIN diodes for a large area X-ray timing instrument
- D. Barret (CESR, Toulouse)
- 39.11 I10 A Focusing X-Ray All Sky Monitor
- W. Zhang (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- 39.12 I10 Broad Band X-ray Monitor is Essential for Future X-ray Timing Missions
- R. E. Rothschild (CASS/UCSD)
- 39.13 I10 The Scientific Promise of Sensitive All-sky Monitors
- W. C. Priedhorsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory), G. W. Fraser (Leicester University), K. N. Borozdin (Los Alamos National Laboratory), V. A. Arefiev (Space Research Institute Moscow)
- 39.14 I10 Concept for an Advanced X-ray Monitor
- R. A. Remillard, A. Levine, E. Boughan, H. Bradt, E. Morgan, U. Becker (M.I.T.), S. Nenonen (Metorex International Inc.), O. Vilhu (University of Helsinki)
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