HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 22. Accreting X-Ray Pulsars
Display, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[22.02] Pulse Phase Resolved Spectroscopy of 4U~1626-67

W. Coburn, W. A. Heindl, D. E. Gruber, R. E. Rothschild (UCSD), R. Staubert, J. Wilms, I. Kreykenbohm (IAAT)

We present the results of a pulse phase resolved spectral analysis of 4U 1626-67. The source is a persistent 7.66\,s accreting X-Ray pulsar in a binary system with the low mass dwarf KZ TrA. We fit the broad band RXTE spectrum with a power-law modified by a Fermi-Dirac cutoff, a 0.7±.1\,keV blackbody, and weak iron line. The power-law index is quite hard through the pulse maximum (\Gamma~q0.4) and softens through pulse minimum (\Gamma~q1.0). The energy and width of the cyclotron line are consistent with being constant through the pulse maximum. This implies that the magnetic field strength and electron temperature (provided that the width is due to thermal broadening) in the scattering region are unchanging. The source was not detected at the energies of the cyclotron line in the pulse minimum.

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