HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 34. Gamma-Ray Bursts
Display, Thursday, November 9, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[34.02] Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Are Different

J.P. Norris (NASA/GSFC), J.D. Scargle (NASA/ARC), J.T. Bonnell (NASA/GSFC/USRA)

We analyze the BATSE time-tagged event (TTE) data for short gamma-ray bursts (durations less than 2 s). We study spectral lag vs. peak flux and hardness ratio, finding an average lag timescale approximately 20 times shorter than that for long bursts. We also use an optimal ``Bayesian block" approach, based on a 1-D Voronoi tesselation method, to identify significantly distinct pulse peaks. Comparison with previous results for long bursts indicates that short bursts clearly have shorter fundamental timescales, and thus are not explicable as an extension of the pulse paradigm for long bursts by mere reduction in the number of pulses.

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