HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 34. Gamma-Ray Bursts
Display, Thursday, November 9, 2000,
8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom
- 34.01 Low Upper limits of Iron line Flux in two X-ray afterglow of GRBs with ASCA
- M. Toshio, Y. Daisuke (ISAS), Y. Atsumasa (Riken), GRB ISAS Team, GRB Collaboration
- 34.02 Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Are Different
- J.P. Norris (NASA/GSFC), J.D. Scargle (NASA/ARC), J.T. Bonnell (NASA/GSFC/USRA)
- 34.03 On the Temporal Evolution of GRB Spectral Parameters.
- N.M. Lloyd, V. Petrosian (Stanford University)
- 34.04 BATSE Observations of GRB 991216
- V. Connaughton, M. S. Briggs, R. M. Kippen, R. D. Preece (University of Alabama in Huntsville), T. W. Giblin (College of Charleston)
- 34.05 Energy Dependent Timescales In Long Gamma Ray Bursts
- J. T. Bonnell (USRA/GSFC/NASA), J. P. Norris (GSFC/NASA)
- 34.06 Duration as a Function of Energy for Seven GRBs Observed with the RXTE All-Sky Monitor
- D. A. Smith (University of Michigan), A. M. Levine, H. Bradt (MIT)
- 34.07 Refinements of the GRB Luminosity - Pulse Lag Relationship
- M.F. Morales (University of California, Santa Cruz), J.P. Norris (GSFC/NASA), J.T. Bonnell (USRA/GSFC/NASA)
- 34.08 The Interplanetary Network I: From the Past to the Future
- T. L. Cline (GSFC), K Hurley (U.C. Berkeley), J. Laros (U. Arizona), E. Mazets, S. Golenetskii (Ioffe), J. Trombka (GSFC), M. Feroci (IAS), F. Frontera (TESRE)
- 34.09 Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters as Neutron Star-White Dwarf Relativistic Binaries
- H. J. Mosquera Cuesta (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
- 34.10 A Search for Gamma-Ray Bursts with Milagro
- J.M. McEnery (University of Wisconsin, Milagro Collaboration)
- 34.11 The Ultra-Violet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) on Swift
- K.O. Mason, M.S. Cropper, T.E. Kennedy (MSSL), J. Nousek, P. Roming (Penn State University), M. McLelland (SWRI)
- 34.12 ``External" Photon-Photon Pair Production Constraints on Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Gamma-Ray Blazars
- P.S. Coppi (Department of Astronomy, Yale University), A. Königl (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago)
- 34.13 Electron Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Bursts
- V. Petrosian, N.M. Lloyd (Stanford University)
- 34.14 Physical Connections Between Active Galaxies, QSOs and Gamma Ray Burst Sources
- G. Burbidge (University of California, San Diego)
- 34.15 Internal Dissipation in Fireballs
- A.M. Beloborodov (Stockholm Observatory)
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