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M.F. Morales (University of California, Santa Cruz), J.P. Norris (GSFC/NASA), J.T. Bonnell (USRA/GSFC/NASA)
In previous work Norris et al. identified a suggestive correlation between peak luminosity and energy dependent pulse lag for eight BATSE gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with measured redshifts. However, the observed correlation is between the peak bolometric luminosity of the source and the time lag between two energy channels in the observing instrument. If there is an inherent relationship between GRB luminosity and an energy dependent time lag, this should be most apparent when both measures are fully corrected for redshift. With only 4 energy channels it is very difficult to correct the peak luminosity and the observed lag for the redshifting of photons though the observational energy bands. However, 16 channel energy data exists for seven of the eight bursts. In this report we will examine the relationship between the fully corrected luminosity and energy dependent time lags for these seven GRBs.