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T. L. Cline (GSFC), K Hurley (U.C. Berkeley), J. Laros (U. Arizona), E. Mazets, S. Golenetskii (Ioffe), J. Trombka (GSFC), M. Feroci (IAS), F. Frontera (TESRE)
Interplanetary spacecraft have been used with orbiting satellites to precisely localize gamma ray transients for nearly 25 years, making possible both early GRB and SGR discoveries and recent afterglow observations. This technique, always subject to the vagaries of circumstance, was maintained by creative experiment modifications from seeming space piracy to the NEAR in-flight software change that made possible the present fully long-baseline network. We review the anecdotal history of the IPN, and outline future IPN possibilities when HETE-2, INTEGRAL, Mars 2001, AGILE, Swift, GLAST and the ISS may be involved.