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J. T. Bonnell (USRA/GSFC/NASA), J. P. Norris (GSFC/NASA)
Spectral evolution timescales, as determined by energy dependent lags, have recently been found to be potentially anticorrelated with peak luminosity for long gamma-ray bursts. However, the possible physical connection between spectral lag and luminosity is unclear. We study the 4-dimensional space of duration, spectral lag, peak flux and peak in nu*F(nu), using BATSE 64-ms data for long bursts with fluxes above ~ 1 photon/cm2/s. Results may place constraints on questions regarding the dynamic vs. kinematic origin of the relationship between spectral lag and luminosity.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: bonnell@grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov