HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 45. Stellar Coronae/Cataclysmic Variables

Oral, Friday, November 10, 2000, 10:10-11:30am, Pago Pago Ballroom

45.01  I20 The X-ray Observations of Young Stars and Coronae
K. Koyama (Kyoto University)
45.02 Resolving the Orion Trapezium in X-rays: Lifting the Veil...
N.S. Schulz, C.R. Canizares, D. Huenemoerder (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), J.H. Kastner (Rocheser Institute of Technology), J. Lee, S.C. Taylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
45.03 Stellar Coronal Spectroscopy with the XMM-Newton RGS
M. Guedel, M. Audard (Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Switzerland), E. Behar, J. Cottam, S.M. Kahn, F.B.S. Paerels, J.M. Peterson, A.P. Rasmussen (Columbia University, USA), G. Branduardi-Raymont, I. Sakelliou (MSSL, UK), A.J. den Boggende, A.C. Brinkman, J.W. den Herder, J.S. Kaastra, R. Mewe, T. Tamura, C. de Vries (SRON-Utrecht, The Netherlands), C. Erd (ESTeC/ESA, The Netherlands), XMM Collaboration
45.04 HETG Observations of Zeta Puppis
J.P. Cassinelli, N.A. Miller (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), J.J. MacFarlane (Prism Computational Sciences)
45.05 Low Luminosity X-ray Sources in 47Tuc: First Chandra Results
J. Grindlay, P. Edmonds, C. Heinke, S. Murray (CfA)
45.06 Simultaneous Chandra, EUVE, and RXTE Observations of the Intermediate Polar EX Hydrae
C. W. Mauche (LLNL), N. Brickhouse (CfA), S. Howell (PSI), M. Hurwitz (UCB), D. Liedahl (LLNL), K. Mukai (GSFC), J. Raymond (CfA), M. Sirk (CEA), P. Szkody (UWash)
45.07 XMM-Newton Observations of the Eclipsing Dwarf Nova OY~Carinae
F. Cordova, D. Pandel, J. West (UCSB), K. Mason, G. Ramsay, T. Poole (MSSL), P. Wheatley, J. Osborne (Leicester University), J. Cottam (Columbia University)

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