AAS 197, January 2001
Session 38. Gas in External Galaxies
Display, Tuesday, January 9, 2001, 9:30am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[38.08] A high-resolution mosaic of HI in M33

D. A. Thilker (NRAO), R. Braun (NFRA), R.A.M. Walterbos (NMSU)

We have completed a high-resolution VLA/WSRT survey of HI in M33. Our data comprise the most detailed HI observations ever obtained for a spiral galaxy other than the Milky Way and reveal many striking properties of the neutral atomic gas. Spatial resolution of 20~pc (assuming a distance of 840~kpc) permits identification of expanding bubbles smaller than those cataloged by Deul & den Hartog, in addition to HI counterparts of discrete dust clouds. Likewise, we find a complex morphological relationship between HI and HII components. Velocity sampling of 1.3~km/s was achieved, thereby permitting the study of line profile variations as a function of environment within M33. A possible dark companion to M33 has been discovered using our WSRT observations. Deep 100m-class, single dish observations or D-configuration VLA images are needed to follow-up this lead, and exclude the possibility of a Galactic HVC explanation. This poster summarizes our initial analysis of the new dataset.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: dthilker@nrao.edu

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