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R.J. Brunner (Astronomy, Caltech), C. Fassnacht (StSCI), S.G. Djorgovski (Astronomy, Caltech), D. Stern (JPL), R. Perley, J. Ulvestad (NRAO)
We present the initial results of our 6-cm VLA survey of z > 4 quasars, in conjunction with the results from our inital survey of high redshift quasars. Our primary purposes in conducting this survey are (1) to improve the measurement of the redshift evolution in the fraction of radio-loud quasars, (2) to characterize the radio-optical flux ratios of both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars and quantify their evolution with redshift, and (3) to identify promising radio-loud quasars for follow-up high resolution imaging in order to characterize the morphological nature of these high redshift quasars as a probe of their proto-galactic environment and to constrain possible quasar fueling mechanisms.