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S. Sallmen (Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley), C. W. Mauche (LLNL), B. Y. Welsh, O. H. W. Siegmund (Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley)
The NASA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite was used to obtain a far-UV spectrum of U Geminorum on 2001 February 22, approximately 126 days after the source returned to quiescence from a dwarf nova outburst. The spectrum is similar in brightness and overall shape to a Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope spectrum obtained 185 days into quiescence, but is dimmer by a factor of two than a FUSE spectrum obtained on 2000 March 17 at the very end of a previous outburst. We fit white dwarf atmosphere models to these FUSE spectra to measure the cooling of the white dwarf through quiescence, and to place limits on the contribution of any higher-temperature emission region.