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J. Moustakas, M.J. Rieke (University of Arizona)
We explore how well the photometric redshift of a galaxy can be recovered using simulated SIRTF observations. Spectral energy distribution models spanning the IRAS 60\micron luminosity function (L60\micron ~q 108-1012\,L\sun) are used to populate color-redshift space in the infrared. We apply a Bayesian analysis to simulated photometric catalogs at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 24, 70 and 160\micron to attempt to extract the true galaxy redshift in the presence of photometric noise, confusion and restricted color information (e.g., if a galaxy was not detected in one or more bandpasses). Our photometric redshift techniques are tested extensively on existing broadband photometric catalogs (e.g., the HDF-South), and applied to Bw, R and I observations of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Boötes Field, supplemented by independent observations in H and K. This project is funded by the SIRTF project under JPL Contract No. 960164.