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H. Zirin (Caltech), R. Cameron (Tokyo Institute of Science)
By attaching the videomagnetograph to the Coude spectrograph at BBSO, we can measure weak fields down to 10-20 gauss, and splittings down to 200 gauss. Using Stenflo’s technique of comparing 5250 and 5247, we find no saturation; the lines (corrected for g-factor) give equal results within a few per cent and are truly weak. The V measurements are calibrated by comparison to Zeeman splitting measures above 200 gauss. The filling factor is unity and there are no hidden strong fields. We find noevidence for kilogauss fileds in the quiet Sun.
While noise limits the agreement of the two lines below 20 gauss, there is a detectable V signal almost everywhere on the Sun, both unipolar and mixed, of the order of 5 gauss. We call the new instrument the spectrovideo-magnetograph (SPVMG). This work supported by the NSF.
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