AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 71. The Sun
Display, Thursday, June 7, 2001, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[71.04] Spectovideomagnetograph results and the Stokes V assymmetry

R. Cameron (Science University of Tokyo), H. Zirin (Caltech)

The Spectrovideomagnetograph at Big Bear Solar Observatory was used to obtain several thousand individual spectra of small elements on the solar surface. These measurements display the well known Stokes V assymmetry, however because the BBSO SPVMG has a significant different spatial and temporal resolution than previous measurements, the assymmetry has different properties.

In this poster we present our measurements of the assymmetry and use them to place constraints on the mechanism producing the assymmetry. We then discuss how the assymmetry contaminates other quantities derived from the SPVMG measurements, and how this contamination can be minimized and controlled in our data set.

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