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G.A. Chapman, J.K. Lawrence, S.R. Walton (San Fernando Observatory/CSUN)
We have examined the temporal behavior of CaII K-line faculae for parts of solar cycles 22 and 23. The data are from photometric images obtained at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) using the Cartesian Full Disk Telescope no. 1 (CFDT1). The images are 512 by 512 pixels, each pixel being 5.12 arc-sec square. The bandpass of the K-line filter is 1 nm. For the interval mid-1988 to mid-1996 (most of cycle 22) we find an autocorrelation very much like that published in Chapman, Cookson and Dobias (1997). At a lag of 150 to 160 days, the 27-day rotational modulation disappears, reappearing later but at a different phase. For the second interval, from mid-1996 to the end of 1999, the autocorrelation shows the 27-day rotational modulation persisting out to a lag of nearly one year. Lomb periodograms will be shown for these data for several intervals and the results will be discussed. This research has been partially supported by NSF Grant ATM-9912132 and NASA Grant NAG5-7191.
Reference: Chapman, G.A., Cookson, A.M. and Dobias, J.J. 1997, Ap.J. 482, 541.
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