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J. Van Duyne, J. J. Salzer (Wesleyan U.)
We present a study of the radio emission characteristics of a large, volume-limited sample of AGNs and starburst galaxies. The emission-line galaxies (ELGs) used in this comparison were taken from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS), which is a deep objective-prism survey which selects ELGs via the detection of the H\alpha emission-line. KISS consists of two survey strips, which cover a total area of ~28 square degrees. The radio sample is taken from the FIRST survey, which completely overlaps the KISS region. FIRST contains positions for all sources down to a radio flux limit of ~1 mJy. Using the accurate positions of the optical and radio sources, we carefully matched 178 radio sources to KISS ELGs. For 96.6% of the objects the positional agreement is within 2 arcsec. We present comparisons between the radio and optical fluxes, redshifts, optical color, emission line strengths, and radio and optical luminosities for the radio vs. non-radio detected ELGs. Radio ELGs make up the brighter and more luminous component of the ELG population. We also find that of the radio galaxies, 35.4% are AGNs, compared to 5.8% AGNs from the identified non-radio ELG population. We also present a volume-limited radio luminosity function out to z=0.1 and extrapolate the number density of radio galaxies to larger redshifts, with an eye toward understanding the nature of the sub-mJy radio galaxy population.
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